I'm All Good - Remady
It's fine my dear fine my dear fine my dear
I'm a i'm a i'm a
Oh~oh wow
It's fine my dear fine my dear fine my dear
I'm a i'm a i'm a
There is nothing here for you oh wow
And i have no thing left in me oh
So what?
I know i always think of you
You will i
But it's all good it's only been a game for two
So i just read that one two three five
Try to eat that Now moving you on moving on
My days are cool
You came go and know we tried it all oh
Always back let in me oh
So what? I know i always think of you you will i
But it's all good it's only been a year or two
So i just read that one two three five
Try to eat that
Now moving you on
Moving on my days are cool
So i just read that one two three five try to eat that
Now moving you on moving on my days are cool
It's fine my dear fine my dear fine my dear
I'm a i'm a i'm a
Oh~wow it's fine my dear fine my dear fine my dear
I'm a i'm a i'm a Oh~wow
So i just read that one two three five try to eat that
Now moving you on moving on my days are cool
So i just read that one two three five try to eat that
Now moving you on moving on my days are cool
"四湖"在唐代本是桂林的护城河。到了明朝,由于城池南扩到桃花江,原来的护城河就逐步演变成一个一个相连的湖泊。两江四湖----两江四湖是指由漓江、桃花江、榕湖、杉湖、桂湖和木龙湖所构成的桂林环城水系,是桂林城市中心最优美的环城风景带。其环城水系全长7.33公里,水面面积38.59万平方米。与威尼斯媲美的环城水系。该工程最早形成于北宋年间(960-1127年),当时榕湖、杉湖、桂湖上舟楫纵横,游人如织,兴盛一时。由于年代久远,一些湖塘已经填没。 为了再现当年桂林"水城"的繁荣景象,并恢复桂林宋代水上游的城市游览模式,桂林"两江四湖"工程的构想,经过建设者们1000多个日日夜夜的艰苦奋战,桂林"两江四湖"于2002年6月2日上午实现了通航。南宋著名诗词家刘克庄咏叹桂林"千山环野立,一水抱城流"的梦想,从此成为现实。