玄界小说网 > 其他小说 > 无限爆炸EXO > 闺蜜来袭(1)










    【马佳锐】:Long time no see, Ning Xi(翻译:好久不见,宁熙)


    【秦岚琪】:We can go, big sister, here to speak will be concerned about(翻译:我们能走了吗,大姐,在这里说话会被人关注的)

    【马佳锐】:Your Ya only big sister, I still young, is a little girl(翻译:你丫才大姐,我还年轻,是个小姑娘)

    【秦岚琪】;Yes, yes, you are a little girl **all, and some of the ants(翻译:是,是,是,你是个小姑娘小的不得了,跟蚂蚁有的一拼)

    【马佳锐】:Get out(翻译:滚粗)





    Hibernation is more than sleep. It is a very deep sleep.The animal's temperature drops to just over zero centigrade, and its heart beats very slowly.People who find hibernating animals asleep often think that they are dead: the body feels very cold, and the creature may breathe only once every five minutes.A hibernating animal cannot feel any pain.You can touch it, or even pull its tail, without causing it to move or wake up.In its hibernating state it can even live in a poisonous atmosphere for a long time without any ill effect.

    Hibernating in this way, the animal can sleep all through the winter.You might wonder how it manages to live without eating for so many months.The answer lies in two facts.The first is that it has stored supplies of fat in its body during the summer and autumn.The second is connected with the main use the body makes or rood――to supply the energy for movement.We have seen that hibernating animal reduces movement to far below the ordinary level.Even the movements or the heart and lungs are greatly reduced.The animal hardly makes any movement, hardly use any energy, and hardly needs any rood.

    Some animals, including some bears only hair hibernate.That is to say, they sleep during the winter, but their sleep is not deep and their body temperature does not drop, as they are warm blooded animals.In the antumn the bear eats and eats and becomes very rat.His hair grows longer. Soon he has a thick covering or rat and fur.In November he rinds a place to lie down and goes to sleep.On warm winter days he may think spring has arrived;he gets up and wa[ks around. When he




    用这样的方式越冬,动物可以睡过整个冬天。你或许会觉得奇怪,它好几个月不吃东西,怎么活过来的呢?可以从两方面的事实中得到答案。第一,在夏秋季节,动物体内储存大量的脂肪。第一是与食物对身体的主要用途,即食物供给身体活动所需的能量有关。我们已经知道,冬眠的动物把活动量减少到大大低于一般的水平。甚至心肺的活动量也大大减少了。冬眠的动物几乎没有什么活动,几乎也不消耗什么能量。 因此它也几乎不需要什么食物。

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