玄界小说网 > 其他小说 > 静静等天明 > "一只狮子亲吻了一只小鹿"


    《lost stars》(迷路的星星)是adam(adam levine)唱的一首讲失恋的歌,但我却从中品出了当代青年的迷茫。可能我戴了自身固有状态这副有色眼镜吧。


    please don't see

    just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies


    please see me

    reaching out for someone i can't see


    take my hand

    let's see where we wake up tomorrow

    best laid plans sometimes or jusr a one night stand




    i'd be damned cupid's demanding back his arrow

    so let's get drunk on our tears



    and god, tell us the reason

    youth is wasted on the young

    it's hunting season

    and lambs are on the run

    searching for the meaning

    but are we all lost stars

    trying to light up the dark








    who are we?

    just a speck of dust within the galaxy

    woe is me?

    if we're not careful turns into reality


"一只狮子亲吻了一只小鹿"(第 1/2 页) 点击下一页继续阅读。
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